STGC Football Program Sports play an integral role in the broadening concept of education for children. It is a crucial part of a student’s growth and development. Sports helps both physical and mental development. Through participation in sports students gain
In Memoriam: Byron Truman Labeach
THE ABUNDANT LIFE OF BYRON TRUMAN LABEACH“A Tribute to their father from his children”By Orville Brown Byron Truman LaBeach was born October 11, 1930, in Kingston, Jamaica, to Samuel LaBeach, businessman, and his wife Julia. Byron was the youngest boy
Red Bulls Game October 30th, 2021
STGCOBANE at Red Bull Arena October 30, 2021 Red Bull v Montreal Impact. It was truly an exciting game and we would love to thank Tyrone Morrison for organizing this event and for NY Red Bull for hosting.
A Knights Meal
The St. George’s College Old Boys’ Association presents “A Knight’s Meal“. To provide Covid-19 Care Packages to Students & their families in need. The Jamaica Old Boys Association will provide care packages valued at US$10 & US$40 to needy students
Roper Cup – NY Edition
Roper Cup – New York Edition Post Copy
Check for Tech Classroom Development
Trevor “Speedy” Palmer making a presentation on behalf of the class of’75 of J$675,650 to Principal Margaret Campbell towards one of her Principal wishlist projects.The project sponsored by the 75ers is for technology development in a classroom in one of
O’Hare Building
The O’Hare Building & St. George’s College The O’Hare Building and St. George’s College are synonymous with one another but right now the O’Hare Building is badly in need of repairs and plans are afoot to get this done along
StGC Mentorship Programme
Email: for more information.
All Schools Football Tournament
Griffin Football Club Presents the return of theAll Schools over 40 Football Tournament Jamaica Alumni Football Tournament Invited teams: Jamaica College Herbert Morrison Camperdown High Clarendon College Kingston College Tivoli Comprehensive Calabar High St. ATHS Ruseas High Monroe High St.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! 2020 has been a year of surprises, with the Covid-19 pandemic, Black Lives Matter global protests, Zoom meetings, US Presidential election challenge and an unprecedented warp speed development of a vaccine to fight the Covid-19 coronavirus. The year