St. George’s College Reunion 50
The 1973 Alumni will be having their 50th anniversary reunion on July 20th to July 22nd, 2023.

Show your intention to be there by purchasing tickets for the events!
The Best value is the “FULL” package for US$75 / CDN$100!
Easiest way to donate: Use Zelle to (please enter a note stating what you are purchasing and your email contact so we may confirm your purchase)
Or Pay using a Credit Card via PayPal below.
Make your selection & press the “Add to Cart” Button.
In the following screens make sure you CLICK the “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” Button.
We are also offering Ad space in our Souvenir Program.
To purchase a Ad please review or download the Booking form below, complete it, and submit to Lloyd Tenn ( . Make your payment in the above OPTIONS- ‘Reunion 50 Magazine Adverts’.