Season’s greetings my fellow Knights,

As we near the end of 2024, we have much to be thankful and grateful for.

I would like to highlight a few things that we accomplished this year. We were able to once again support the Penn Relays Team. With the help of President Ken Lewis of the Florida Chapter (meals), President Mike Lewis of the D.C Chapter (Ground Transportation) President Terrence Beech of the U.K. Chapter (Accommodation), Imar Walters (STGCOBA) along with STGC OBANE and particularly Adrian Wiltshire and Christopher Chaplin we were able to successfully host the track team this year.

We also supported STGC Week and my hope is that we will all participate at the Homecoming during STGC Week while celebrating our 175th Anniversary.

We spent approximately US$6,000.00 in support of equipment for the Robotics Team, something that we are very proud of.

We donated to the Manning Cup Team among other projects. We also supported the various graduating classes on a number of their projects. While I would love for these groups to work more closely with the Chapters I must acknowledge the good work being done by the various graduating classes.

STGC OBANE as a Chapter just celebrated its 10Th Anniversary where we recognized the founding Officers. Christopher Chaplin – President, David Chang – Vice President, Desmond Duncker – Treasurer, Louis DaCosta – Secretary, Leacroft McKenzie – Assistant Treasurer and Warren Grant – Assistant Secretary. Once again, I applaud you all for your continued support.

As we look forward to 2025 with high hopes, I want to challenge each and every Knight to continue supporting our school, to give more and to start doing so, so that the next generation of Knights may have it a little easier than we did. I want to suggest that the U.S. Knights, the Canadian Knights and the U.K. Knights individually donate $175.00 towards or 175th Anniversary and that the local Knights do the same by donating $17,500.00. We can do it.

Happy 175th Anniversary. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!!


Warren N. Grant
President STGC OBANE