Congrats to Mrs. Margaret Campbell voted 2018 LASCO/MOE Principal of The Year at an Award Ceremony at the Jamaica Pegasus.
There are over 220 High Schools in Jamaica and to be chosen top dog is simply awesome!!
She became Principal in 2006, taken over the reigns from Dr. Fred Kennedy. At the time the school was in a tight spot; ranked a failing school with a overall ranking of 43rd place in that year. Since then, the discipline has improved tremendously and so as our academic ranking. In 2014, we reached No. 14. In 2018, we were ranked No. 24. So too has our performance in CSEC and CAPE Exams. Prior to 2014, we would rarely made the National and Regional Top 10 Best in subject areas. Since that time, we have had multiple candidates making these list. We are strong in the sciences, business subjects, foreign languages, industrial arts, law and digital media.
We haven’t been doing too badly in High School Sports either. Top performances in football, basketball, rugby, lacrosse and cricket in the past five years.
We salute Mrs. Campbell on this huge Award!!
STGC Photography AMDG
Jamaica Gleaner Article