St. George’s College Class 1973 Reunion 50 Scholarship
As 2022 comes rapidly to the end, we are reminded that our Reunion 50, July 20-22, 2023 is months away. The Planning Team will be naturally, intensifying efforts to get all in place.
As the caption above indicates, the idea of setting up a scholarship to commemorate our 50th Anniversary has been suggested and comes out of a need that we informed about.
The background to this is as follows. Stephen Mehgoo is part of a committee that awards scholarships to Mico University students. An executive of the Grace Kennedy Foundation, a NGO charitable organization, alerted him of a STGC alumnus, Rhagete Price who had applied for financial assistance in his final year of medical school at UWI. GK Foundation will help but is unable to cover the entire amount he needs for his tuition and so this executive has been calling around to see if other groups could assist.

Rhagete is an alumnus of STGC and hails from an inner city community off Waltham Park Road. He is from a humble family with a 75 year old father who is unable to work because of poor vision and mother, a dressmaker with limited income. He is an outstanding student excelling throughout his time at STGC. At the end of sixth form in 2018, he was awarded the Knights Award For Excellence. He was accepted to do Medicine at the University of the West Indies and continues to excel. In his final year and with months to his exams, he has to find J$350,000 of the J$715,000/year government subsidized tuition fee. The full unsubsidized fee for this course is staggering J$ 4.3 million/year. The situation is that, unless he pays up, he will be debarred from sitting his finals.
Please find attached, more detailed information: 1) A Fact Sheet 2) A Personal Letter by Rhagete seeking assistance.
With this said, we are asking for donations to this cause.

If enough classmates give between J$5000 -10,000 (US$40-$70) each, we can reach a target of J$100,000, the value of the scholarship. This is separate from the donation of J $1 Million which we intend to give to STGC next year.
The success of this project depends on the support and contribution of the Class 1973. We anticipate your positive response.
Donations can made as follows:
JAMAICA- Contact Lloyd Tenn or Stephen Meghoo. See contact information below.
USA/CANADA/UK- Using the STGC OBA North East Chapter Portal
Easiest way to donate: Use Zelle to
Make a donation using a Credit Card or PayPal below:
If you desire to send a Cheque please make the check payable to: St. George’s College, Jamaica.
Send the check to:
Denis Chung
17300 SW 89th Ave
Palmetto Bay, FL 33157
Please contact Desmond at if you any questions.
Thank you so much for your kind consideration and we hope to see you at the 2023 Reunion.